Dear Saints,
Today we prayerfully continue our Feast today right into 2ND Kings - Chapter 2. Jesus said, pray that Gods name be kept holy. Look around in the world today when some people use God's name it's only in a casual passing manner. Worse yet in many cases God's name is used in vain. We see in the Bible there is a constant battle going on in heaven and it spreads evil here on earth.. The way Jesus said to pray is; “This is the way you should pray: Father in heaven, may Your name always be kept holy. May your kingdom come. May what You want done be done. May it always be here on earth as it is in heaven. Give us the food we need each day. Forgive us of the sins we have committed, as we forgive everyone who has done wrong to us. Keep us away from temptation. Rescue us from the evil one.” Mathew 6: 9-13.
Prayer is not a mantra to repeat over and over, yet we see by example it is good to ask God, until we get an answer. We must still keep the first thing first that is salvation! If our Lord is willing, and I am here, I'll send and post the Feast tomorrow.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”- John 15:5, 8
Please see the rest of the feast and Sister Mary’s Corner
Wednesday, December 09, 2009, 2 Kings - Chapter 2, The revolt of Moab-Sickness of Ahaziah, king of Israel. (1-8) Fire called from heaven by Elijah-Death of Ahaziah. (9-18)
Brother Mike