Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Word Became Flesh?

Today’s Feast

Oct. 20, 2015 – John 1

The Word Became Flesh?

Please join with us sharing God’s Word daily. We will spend about fifteen minutes a day praying and reading every word in God’s Word in approximately three years.

12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit." Psalm 51:12, English Standard Version (ESV).

Dear Saints,

Thank you for joining us, as we prayerfully continue the Feast in John Chapter 1; The apostle and evangelist, John, seems to have been the youngest of the twelve. He was especially favoured with our Lord's regard and confidence, so as to be spoken of as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was very sincerely attached to his Master. He exercised his ministry at Jerusalem with much success, and outlived the destruction of that city, agreeably to Christ's prediction, ch. 21:22 . History relates that after the death of Christ's mother, John resided chiefly at Ephesus. Towards the close of Domitian's reign he was banished to the isle of Patmos, where he wrote his Revelation. On the accession of Nerva, he was set at liberty, and returned to Ephesus, where it is thought he wrote his Gospel and Epistles, about A. D. 97, and died soon after. The design of this Gospel appears to be to convey to the Christian world, just notions of the real nature, office, and character of that Divine Teacher, who came to instruct and to redeem mankind. For this purpose, John was directed to select for his narrative, those passages of our Saviour's life, which most clearly displayed his Divine power and authority; and those of his discourses, in which he spake most plainly of his own nature, and of the power of his death, as an atonement for the sins of the world. By omitting, or only briefly mentioning, the events recorded by the other evangelists, John gave testimony that their narratives are true, and left room for the doctrinal statements already mentioned, and for particulars omitted in the other Gospels, many of which are exceedingly important.

The Divinity of Christ. (1-5) His Divine and human nature. (6-14) John the Baptist's testimony to Christ. (15-18) John's public testimony concerning Christ. (19-28) Other testimonies of John concerning Christ. (29-36) Andrew and another disciple follow Jesus. (37-42) Philip and Nathanael called. (43-51)” - Matthew Henry Concise.

This scripture opens with a description of Jesus. It tells us who he is and what he does. “1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.John 1:1-5, ESV. Let’s continue to keep the first thing first. That is salvation through the blood of the lamb, Jesus.

Don’t get caught up in “religion”, it is about a relationship. Our salvation depends completely on God! We are the Saints that Jesus sacrificed his life to pay in full for our sin, when we repent and accept Jesus. He will coe to get every Saint; “36 “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.Matthew 24:36, ESV. We are building our relationship with Jesus right now, do not wait while you try to change anything. Click this link for more information; admenu.com/calling.htm .

God Bless You,
Brother Mike

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….................the small print................................
I’m not educated nor am I a Theologian so if I’m mistaken in the Feast please feel free To write to me, I love your input at; mike@admenu.com. I’m looking forward to your input.

The Feast is intended to encourage Saints to pray and read every word in the bible! Let me know if you have any questions or comments, by replying here on the blog or in an email mike@admenu.com.

The Feast belongs to Jesus you may share it in its entirety anywhere with anyone!

Tags: bible, care, done, faith, feast, ghost, god, happy, health, help, holy, hope, Jesus, life, love, pray, study, thanksgiving

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* I don’t speak Spanish so I use the Google translator to put the Feast out in Spanish for your convenience! If

the meaning of the Feast is being lost intranslation please let me know; mstanj@hotmail.com Thank You!

In the Feast I’m expressing some thoughts I have on the verses we prayerfully read. I would love to hear your thoughts on today’s Feast, please tell me what God puts on your heart, in an email or comment. My email address is; mike@admenu.com