Thursday, September 1, 2016

While He Is Still Calling!

The Best of the Feast


Sep. 1, 2016 – Job 26
 While He Is Still Calling!

Please join with us sharing God’s Word daily. We spend about fifteen minutes a day praying and reading every word in God’s Word in approximately three years.

Dear Saints,

Today we prayerfully continue our Feast reading Job 26.  Job criticizes Bildad because he is saddened by the expectations of his friend. Job recognizes the wisdom and power of God; “26 But Job answered and said:
“How have you helped him who is without power?
How have you saved the arm that has no strength?
How have you counseled one who has no wisdom?
And how have you declared sound advice to many?
To whom have you uttered words?
And whose spirit came from you?
“The dead tremble,
Those under the waters and those inhabiting them.
Sheol is naked before Him,
And Destruction has no covering.
” Job 26:1-6,  New King James Version (NKJV).  
Our very thoughts are an open book to God; our sin is a neon sign in God’s eyes. Without the sacrifice by Jesus we would die in our sin. “[The Just Live by Faith] 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”  Romans 1:16, NKJV.  We are called by God and saved by faith in Jesus.  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Listen Jesus is calling!  Do you hear that small voice calling; sinner com home? He won’t call forever, now is the time to answer his call.  Do you want to choose good over evil? If the answer is yes please click the following link;
If the Lord is willing I will write and post the Feast tomorrow.


Today’s Verse; “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6, NKJV.


 God Bless You,

Brother Mike

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